Disneyland Headquarters | Anaheim, CA
Buildings are works of art
using the latest technology
— Frank Lloyd Wright
Cedars Sinai Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion | Los Angeles, CA
Historic El Capitan Theater Renovation | Hollywood, CA
Universal Studios 'Islands of Adventure' Theme Park | Orlando, FL
Legoland | Carlsbad, CA
Ohr-O'Keefe Museum | Biloxi, MS
Rosenberg + Associates was founded in 1987. We provide consulting engineering services to building owners and architects, managing construction projects with unique environmental challenges, including hospitals, museums & galleries, historic restoration programs, entertainment facilities, and theme parks.
In the past 30 years our projects have received numerous awards for energy conservation, historic preservation, and architectural excellence. This success comes from our strong support of a collaborative approach to design and construction.
We invite you to see what makes our work so unique.
Les Rosenberg, PE